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Belum ikuti S&K

H+1 – Reminder Awal

Kirim pengingat pertama dengan nada ramah, menginformasikan tentang S&K dan pentingnya menyelesaikan proses tersebut.

“Halo [Nama]! Kami ingin mengingatkan bahwa program gratis ini memiliki Syarat & Ketentuan yang perlu disetujui untuk melanjutkan pendaftaran. Silakan cek S&K di sini: [Link]. Jika ada yang perlu ditanyakan, kami siap membantu. Terima kasih!”
Teks berhasil disalin!
Gagal menyalin teks, coba lagi.

H+5 - Menawarkan Bantuan

Di sini, Anda menawarkan bantuan dan mengasumsikan bahwa mungkin ada kendala atau kekhawatiran yang dihadapi calon peserta dalam memenuhi S&K.

Salin Pesan
“Halo, [Nama Peserta]! Kami memahami bahwa terkadang ada kendala dalam memenuhi S&K yang telah ditentukan. Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan, misalnya untuk memenuhi syarat berbagi informasi atau memahami prosedur, silakan sampaikan kepada kami. Kami ingin memastikan Anda bisa mendapatkan file [nama file] yang diinginkan tanpa kendala. 😊”
Teks berhasil disalin!
Gagal menyalin teks, coba lagi.

H+10 - Tawarkan Alternatif

Jika peserta tidak merespons atau tidak ingin memenuhi S&K, berikan opsi untuk mendapatkan file dengan pembelian. Ini bisa mencakup versi yang lebih lengkap atau lebih eksklusif sebagai daya tarik.

Salin Pesan
“Halo, [Nama Peserta]! Kami memahami bahwa mungkin Anda lebih nyaman dengan opsi lain. Sebagai alternatif, Anda bisa mendapatkan versi lebih lengkap dari file [nama file] ini tanpa harus mengikuti S&K dengan harga spesial [sebutkan harga]. Versi lengkap ini mencakup [sebutkan kelebihan versi lengkap, misalnya lebih banyak konten atau bonus]. Jika Anda tertarik, kami siap membantu prosesnya!”
Teks berhasil disalin!
Gagal menyalin teks, coba lagi.
Sudah ikuti S&K

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You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

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You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

Program Berbayar

Belum bayar

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You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.
Sudah Bayar

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You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.


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You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.


This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.

This is popup title

You don't need to waste your time and money anymore.

We know your demands for building a perfect website. You will find all the functionalities of your imagination here.